PO RUSSKIPOLSKIFRANCAISDEUTSCHENGLISHČESKY Rokytnice Šanov Hostětín Žítková Lopeník Bojkovice Rudice

Město Bojkovice

Hostětín [ Village or Town/City ]

The Village of Hostětín (cca 230 inhabitants area of 364 hectares)
is a small village situated in the picturesque valley at the foot of the White Carpathian mountains. It is unique because of the fact that a large number of environmental projects have been realized quite recently in the village and its surroundings. These projects involve, for instance, the construction of a sewage treatment plant or a heating plant for waste timber. The local authority , in cooperation with the non-governmental organization " White Carpathians Tradition", is engaged in a long-term and systematic support of ecological fruit-growing and fruit processing. One of the results of these efforts is, for instance, the existence of a stum-producing plant, which processes fruit not only from the village and its neighbourhood but also from the rest of the White Carpathian region. There is also a fruit-drying plant in the village.
The environmental projects of the village also involve the construction of timber sculptures in the surrounding countryside. These sculptures,representing one of the most interesting places for tourists, became an inseparable part of the scenery.

Plní funkci základního stupně územní samosprávy a v různé míře je také vykonavatelem státní správy.




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